Thank you brunch

Justine FawcettConnecting Community 4 Kids Blog

 Thank you to everyone who came along to our thank you brunch in December. 

The morning kicked off with a welcome address by Jane Miller which included a video snapshot of 2018, and community events that we attended and hosted. Wow, what a year! (you can view the video via the link below).

Following the presentation we broke up into small groups to brainstorm:

Should Connecting Community for Kids start an Instagram page?

The result was an outstanding yes! Stay tuned as this is being implemented as we speak. Suggested hashtags that we loved included #bethechange #communityunity #ittakesavillage

Do you love, like or dislike the following communication methods?

Loved:        coffee chats and social media
Liked:         events and action team meetings
Dislike:       the blog and newsletter

How can we get more people involved?

Some great suggestions including using more engagements with local schools, more low-key community events such as bbq’s in the park and more networking/cross-pollination of our action teams.

Following this we handed out certificates of attainment to our 12 new community mothers and sat down to a delicious brunch!

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