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Maaraka Dabakarn – Coolbellup Community School

Saturday 14 September | 9:15 am - 12:30 pm

Coolbellup Community SChool
15 Waverley Road
Coolbellup, WA Australia
+ Google Map

Are you a parent with a child 7 years of age or under and are concerned about their development, or is pending an assessment?

We are holding a therapy day where parents can:

  • Meet a range of therapists, in a group setting, who will provide families with hands-on activities and resources they can use, and take-away, to support children
  • Discuss your child’s development with Allied Health Professionals
  • Have an Ears2Learn ear screening
  • Build peer networks to support each other

Families are welcome to attend and there will be activities for siblings in a supervised play area. Morning tea will be provided.

Book your ticket via this link, spaces are limited – www.trybooking.com.au/CUFRL

You can read more about the event, and what to expect here – What to Expect

Funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. Visit www.dss.gov.au for more information.